
Сообщения за июнь, 2020

FSB prevented the terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz

The staff of the Federal security service (FSB) of Russia have prevented the terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the press service of the Ministry.According to the FSB, a supporter of the Islamic state* prepared

TikTok called disguised service spy

Social network TikTok accused in disguise and called the service-a spy. It is reported portal Rozetked.This view was made by a Reddit user who identified himself as a programmer who has done the research work

Shell announces Brent oil forecast


Apple closes stores due to the outbreak of COVID-19

Apple has announced the re-closure of retail stores in several States in the United States due to the rise in the incidence of the novel coronavirus. A brand representative stated that this is a necessary safety precaution while the situation with COVID-19 in these regions are not stabiliziruemost.

Ran away from Barca: real Madrid beat Espanyol

Real Madrid played with the Catalan club Espanyol in the framework of the 32nd round of the Spanish Examples. Butter won and broke away two points from Barcelona, who played in this round in a draw with Celta Fedor Smolov. Information Agency held text online broadcast of the meeting.

Ex-head of the junta in Niger intends to run for president


Run a section of the Central ring from Mozhaisk to Novorizhskoye highway

In Moscow opened a 23-kilometer section of the Central ring from Mozhaisk to Novorizhskoye highway. The overpass will relieve from the high flow Road, free from traffic, enhanced street network Zvenigorod and will help to fight congestion. The Central ring length 336,5 km according to government plans, will be completed in 2021, it will pass through the territory of the Moscow region and New Moscow at a distance of 50 km from MKAD.

Asmus again will star in a candid scene in the new movie

Actress Kristina Asmus again will star in a candid scene in the film Whaler, spoke about the film, his student Philip St. George Director Alexey Uchitel, the website kp.EN.In the story there is a whalers look to the computer where

75th anniversary of Victory over Hitler: losers regret in Estonia - Dimitri Klensky

In the June issue of the most read monthly illustrated magazine in Estonia, Imeline Ajalugu (Amazing Story), an article by Berlin was published in anticipation of Doomsday. And also no less luxuriously published special appendix Hitler in the war, or Fuhrer-commander. The editors of the publication advertise the publication of the article as the beginning of a new series, The Fall of Nazi Germany. It is the fall, not the victory over. And it is not surprising that between the lines in the publications there is wandering (there are direct claims) annoyance that the Germans had a chance to avoid defeat, but did not take advantage of them ...